New route for cycle path beside the Gareloch?

A ‘multi-year project’ for a new walking and cycling route between Helensburgh and Garelochhead has got under way with a public consultation.

A cycle path running from Helensburgh as far as Faslane was built 20 years ago but has proved controversial – many cyclists don’t use it and stay on the main A814 instead.

The current track requires cyclists to cross the A814 near Faslane Peace Camp. Picture by Google

But now a new track for both cyclists and walkers is being planned – going further than the naval base, and with new routes being considered.

‘Sustainable transport links’ have been discussed in talks between Argyll and Bute Council and the Ministry of Defence since 2018.

This week a council spokesperson said: “We are at stage one of a multi-year project to identify and design enhancements the existing walking and cycling route that connects Helensburgh and Garelochhead.

“This detailed process is set by Transport Scotland, who provide the grant funding we rely on, and it requires us to complete consultation and several design stages, before we are able to seek funding.

“To assist us, we have invited a number of local organisations and stakeholders to form an engagement forum.

“This will help us gather local knowledge and opinions, and test ideas on how we can improve this popular route, before we go out to full public consultation later in the summer.”

Now Icecream Architecture – which in 2018 was involved in a Making Places project in Helensburgh – is inviting local people to join a community engagement group as part of an initiative backed by the council, Sustrans and the Ministry of Defence.

Sarah Frood said: “The aim of the project is to identify a preferred route for a high-quality, segregated walking, cycling and wheeling route linking the centre of Helensburgh, HMNB Clyde and Garelochhead.

“We will look at a range of route options before designing a preferred route up to ‘concept design’, with local community engagement at each stage.

“The purpose of the community engagement group is to check and review our community engagement arrangements and options as they develop.

“As members of the local community, you know the place best and can, we hope, keep us right on making sure that everyone has an opportunity to participate.”

Anyone interested in taking part should complete this online form – to provide feedback complete this form.


  1. I used to cycle from Helensburgh to Garelochhead but absolutely hated the nonsense that they called a cycle path. it crossed the road several times, it meandered through the innards of Rhu and was never properly marked.

  2. The current so called ‘cycle path’ from Helensburgh sailing center to Faslane uses a significant amount of very narrow pedestrian pavement that has been a footpath for a long time. Highway Code Rule 64 clearly states “You MUST NOT cycle on a pavement”. Simply putting a cycle track on an existing pavement and calling it cycle route is not safe for either pedestrian or cyclist.

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