New Rest and Be Thankful route ‘could be ten years away’

The single-track road Old Military Road has been used more frequently than the main A83 in recent months

An interim alternative route to the Rest and Be Thankful is under investigation – but it might not be ready for five and a half years, a report has revealed.

Argyll and Bute Council has said that Transport Scotland is investigating alternative routes to the Old Military Road (OMR), which is used when the notorious stretch of the A83 is closed.

But it is anticipated that any new route could take up to 18 months to design, and then three to four years to construct.

The A83 itself was reopened this week on a 24-hour basis for the first time in months – albeit under a convoy system.

But the trial was cut short last night because of heavy rain, with trunk road traffic once again using the single-track OMR instead.

Five main options for the new replacement route through Glen Croe are also outlined in the report, with construction estimated to take between seven and ten years.

A consultation is running on the options until the end of May

Council leader Robin Currie has previously called for a permanent solution to problems at the Rest and Be Thankful within the five-year term of the next Scottish Parliament.

The details are given in a report to go before the full council on Thursday.

Council executive director Kirsty Flanagan said: “Transport Scotland are considering alternative interim routes to be used rather than the Old Military Road.

“The purpose of these routes is to provide resilience and divert traffic during the construction of the permanent solution. The routes being considered are within land in the ownership of Scottish Ministers.

“It is understood that this would effectively replace the Old Military Road and would be constructed to eliminate the steep gradients and hairpin bends that exist on the upper section of the OMR.

“It is also understood that this route is being designed to provide more resilience reducing the reliance of the diversion route.

“Whilst the timescale is yet to be finalised, Transport Scotland are anticipating an interim route could be designed within approximately 18 months and constructed within three to four years depending on the extent of work involved.

“Due to this being a temporary interim solution, normal trunk road design standards will not necessarily apply.”

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Rest and Be Thankful to close as heavy rain is forecast - The Lochside Press
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