Flytipping in Argyll and Bute could lead to prosecution – warning

Flytipping during the coronavirus pandemic could lead to prosecution, Argyll and Bute Council has warned.

Initially the authority responded to the outbreak by suspending all household collections of glass and recycling.

But this was revised earlier this month, with two bins now being collected fortnightly.

The council has thanked the ‘vast majority’ of the public but says a minority is putting workers and communities at risk because of ‘irresponsible behaviour’.

Glass bottles have been left on the ground at several public recycling points, including this one on a free public car park in Lochgilphead town centre – despite the fact there was an almost-empty mixed glass collection skip a few feet away.

In addition, bags of general waste were left strewn across the ground.

Robin Currie, the council’s policy lead for housing, roads and infrastructure services, said: “At this time, we all have to work together to look after each other and thankfully this is what most people are doing.

“Our sincere thanks to everyone for staying at home, respecting social distancing and caring for the community.

“Our staff will have to wear full PPE to protect themselves from possible infection and cuts as they remove this rubbish – wasting time and resources we don’t have at the moment.

“If employees become injured or ill that threatens our ability to deliver the services communities need.

“Flytipping anywhere is not only unacceptable, it is also an offence. Please make sure you don’t put yourself at risk of prosecution under any circumstances.”

The council says that public recycling collection points – for glass, plastic and cardboard – are now being emptied every four weeks, and more often if possible.

Anyone using them should respect social distancing measures and if the recycling points are full, people are asked to take their recycling home and try again later.

Household bins are being emptied every two weeks and recycling and general waste will be collected at the same time, with everything sent to landfill.

Up to two bins should be put out on the day that you would normally put out your recycling (blue bin).


  1. Fly tipping is a criminal offence. With Martial Law Lite meaning far fewer vehicles on the road it should be easier for the police to stop and check any vans that could be carrying waste to flytip. Owners of land where rubbish is tipped become victims as they have to pay to have the rubbish removed and properly disposed of. If I owned land known to be used by flytippers I would invest in a few wildlife cameras (c£60 each) and place them to monitor known dumping sites. A few pics might be enough to prosecute tippers and courts can not only jail offenders they can order them to compensate landowners.

  2. Why just vans? Do people in cars not fly tip? Don’t tar everyone with the same brush. I witnessed a car fly tip in Glenn Fruin the day the tip shut. Fortunately I did get the registration of the very well dressed elderly gentleman and not a workman in a van. He took time to remove the garden waste from his car and place it the other side of the farmers fence in full view of the road. The information was passed on and hopefully he got a knock on the door later that week.

  3. My apologies to van owners. Graham is right of course, anyone can be a flytipper and any flytipper should be prosecuted. Dash cams and a handy pen and paper can be very useful.

  4. Graham is of course right. My apologies to van drivers. Flytippers could be using any vehicle. Dashcams and a handy notepad and pen can be very useful tools in tipping the balance against the tippers.

  5. Thanks John, totally agree with you. I walk The Fruin most days and the amount of people I see driving along and simply slowing down until the see you is astonishing, its easy to guess what they are doing. The wildlife camera is a great idea, maybe the council could invest in a few for high risk areas.

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Helensburgh car park the latest target for flytipping - The Lochside Press
  2. Argyll and Bute 'not aware' of increased flytipping - The Lochside Press

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