Could you tell readers about yourself, and why you’ve chosen to try and represent this ward?

In my five years as a councillor, I have learned a lot and developed good working relationships with council officials, 3rd sector organisations, and other councillors alike. I have fought to make my community a better place for everyone, supporting people in getting better outcomes for a range of issues, from health and social care, housing, education, car parking, refuse collection, adequate toilet facilities, to name a few, and I will continue to do this vigorously.

I have, and will continue to work with fellow councillors and officials to achieve the best outcomes possible for my ward. Lomond North has huge potential and if re-elected and part of an administration, my focus will be improving the infrastructure and environmental aspects of my community.

What do you think are the three key issues in the future for the ward, and how close is your relationship with it?

Transport links in local communities are a huge issue and with the need to reduce our carbon footprint, it is imperative that we develop a fit for purpose public transport service, which is so badly needed. From a Kilcreggan point of view I will be focusing on getting the best solution for Kilcreggan pier, (unlike another Councillor Candidate who is focusing on Helensburgh Pier, my ward Lomond North is my priority). I have said to many constituents who have contacted me on this matter, that we have a public meeting at Cove Burgh hall with all parties involved.

I feel that Lomond North has been neglected, and it is time for serious investment in our rural communities, that will enable my ward to flourish and prosper. We have huge potential to help improve the lives for the people who live and work in Lomond North.

Currently Argyll and Bute Council is run by TALIG – the Argyll, Lomond and the Islands Group, a coalition of Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and some independent councillors. If elected, would you join this group?

I always will put my constituents first, and no matter what your political persuasion, I will do everything within my power to address the needs of my community.

Currently the council is considering a ‘collectives’ system, which would see several schools share a headteacher and management team. Do you support this policy?

I will support schools their teachers, and Head Teachers, but I will not support the Educational change programme that the council are currently proposing.